Spamming Course for beginners free 2025

Spamming Course for beginners free 2025

In this article we provide you Spamming Course for beginners free 2025. If you want to learn anything about spamming i am always here for you.

Table of Contents

  • Why do we spam?
  • Presently we learned what is spamming and why we spam or for what reason we spam let us learn how to spam

Spamming Course Methods?

There are two ways of spamming:

  • SPAMMING By means of SMTP AND AMS.
Spamming Course

Spamming course

  • SPAM Bundle $450
  • SPAM Package$600
  • SPAM Package$800

Spamming course, Ever pondered how individuals get their hands on bank logs, PayPal accounts, CC, Mail addresses, and all sorts of online accounts? Ponder no more, I will briefly clarify and donate you insights on how to ended up a professional at SPAMMING and begin making a few genuine cash. I have a ace course instructional exercise at the conclusion of this and you can select whichever fits you. It’s in 3 diverse bundles that you can select from. I guarantee 100% Comes about when you buy any of the 3 packages.

First of we will see what we brutal by the term spamming.
Wikipedia definition:

Email spam, too known as spontaneous bulk E-mail (UBE), garbage mail, or spontaneous commercial mail (UCE), is the hone of sending undesirable mail messages, habitually with commercial substance, in expansive amounts to an unpredictable set of beneficiaries. In straightforward dialect spamming implies to send bulk mail to individuals in arrange to surge their mail or to make them trick and make a few genuine $C@josh-jarrett

Spamming Course2 1

Why do we spam?

  1. To get Bank Logs by spamming diverse banks.
  2. To get cc, full.
  3. To get Accounts like PayPal, dating destinations, etc.
  4.  To spread our malware like Zeus, keyloggers, etc

There are unending reasons to spam but these were a few of the common reasons for spamming course

Presently we learned what is spamming and why we spam or for what reason we spam let us learn how to spam

Before we learn how to spam we require to know the meaning of common terms:

1.Leads: Leads is the term utilized to allude to e-mail records, it’s essentially another title for the common term e-mail list. Leads aka mail records are records of e-mail addresses of individuals we are going to spam.

2. AMS(Advanced Mass Sender): It is a windows based device that we utilized to spam, here we include our SMTP, stack our mail list aka leads, and include the mail from which mail will be conveyed for case if we are spamming chase bank we include the e-mail of chase bank like no- and include our trick letter.

3. Trick Pages: Trick pages is another title for the Phishing page, it’s fundamentally a replication of the unique page. It’s utilized to get logs from our victims.

4. Trick letter: A trick letter aka fake mail is the title given to an e-mail that is a copy of the unique correspondence, here we change the unique mail and alter inquiring the casualty to log in to our trick page and we will get his logs.

5.PHP mailer: PHP mailer is a script that is utilized to spam our leads, this is another strategy of spamming. We don’t utilize the AMS device, we spam by means of this PHP script.

6. Cpanel: Cpanel is the facilitating board of a site, in basic dialect, it’s a board from where an admin of a specific location oversees his/her site. We utilize cpanel to have our trick page. Presently the address emerges why we don’t utilize our possess cpanel have to have our trick page. The reply is basic facilitating websites don’t permit trick pages on their servers so we utilized hacked cpanels to have our pages

7. SMTP (Straightforward Mail Exchange Convention): SMTP is for the most part an application that runs on a server and is utilized to transmit and get emails, in basic dialect we utilize SMTP to send our emails to our victims Spamming course.

Spamming Course Methods?

There are two ways of spamming:

  • Spamming Through SMTP and AMS.
  • Spamming Through PHP Mailer.

Spamming By means of SMTP AND AMS.

This strategy is partitioned into 2 parts.

The to begin with portion is trick page uploading through cpanel.

The moment portion is stacking leads to AMS, including SMTP, and beginning our spam.

PART1: trick page uploading through cpanel

1. First, log in to Cpanel


2.You Will See this sort of screen:


3.Now tap on record director and you will get screen like this:


Now click on new folder and make a new folder named site and double click on the dir created site you will see something like this:


5.Now Click on upload:

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6.Now make a Zip File of your scampage and upload by means of this uploader.

7.Now go back to your primary cpanel page and refresh page and select file and press extract:

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8.Now we require to edit a php file where we require to enter our e-mail id where scam page will send logs, its distinctive in all case in my case its l0gx.php (Select file and tap edit):

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At the put of $send = “”; Include your mail. Now after you have followed all the steps we will check that our page is working or not. If your cpanel site is at that point you will get to scam page from

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We successfully uploaded our scam page, now

we will move on to second part of this method.

We successfully transferred our scam page, presently we will move on to second part of this method Spamming course.

loading leads to AMS, including SMTP and begin our Spam: NOTE: Spamming is unlawful as per laws so we ought to not spam from our claim system

For spamming we ought to utilize RDP.

  • First connect to your RDP for that go to Start>All Programs> Accessories>Communications> Remote Desktop Connection
  • Add your RDP IP
RDP connection
  • You Will see box inquiring username and password, enter your username and password and you will get get to to RDP.
  • Now open AMS, if you have rdp without AMS at that point you can install AMS yourself on rdp.
RDP and spamming 1
  • First we will include account on AMS:

Click on Sender Accounts>Add/Edit Sender Account>Add your details>Click on add account

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  • After this press on Return to main window.
  • Now Press on add>Add Server IP>Select Utilize authentication>Add Username>Add Password>Press OK
  • Now Press on Mailing List>Add Group>Enter Group Name>Double Tap on Group Name>Load Mail List>Select file. Presently our leads are loaded.
  • Now Include Subject of your scam letter, assume we are spamming chase at that point include subject of chase spam letter.
  • Add your trick letter into msg body and select html from message type.
  • Now Tap SEND!!!

You will see AMS sending sends to your victims.

Spamming Through PHP Mailer.

Spamming Through PHP mailer is very straightforward, as in PART1 there was 2 Parts, in this strategy too there is 2 parts.

First portion is trick page uploading through cpanel.

Second portion is spamming from PHP mailer.

As you can see To begin with Portion is same as strategy 1, I am not going to talk about it once more, so lets bounce to part2.

Spamming from PHP mailer

Now to begin with of all I accept that we have transferred our trick page, Spamming course

now lets begin with spamming.

spamming with mailer

This is picture of a php mailer, which is most common in most of the mailers.

1.First at E-mail: include the mail you wanna send mail from, assume you are spamming paypal at that point include

2.Leave answer to box, if you wanna get answers at that point include your mail.

3.At Subject Include Subject of your trick letter.

4.At message center include your trick page code.

5.At title enter the title of bank etc you are spamming. Case if you are spamming BOA at that point compose BOA.

6.At E-mail Database include your mail list.

NOTE: PHP Mailers as it were back 5k to 20k sends at one go.

Select HTML and press on send.

Advantages of Mailer over Strategy of AMS.

Most critical advantage is that it diminishes the taken a toll of the spamming as we don’t require to purchase RDP.

Second is that its more quicker than AMS strategy of spamming.

Advantages of Strategy of AMS over Mailer

The to begin with advantage is that it spares time as we don’t require to stack leads once more and once more as in case of Mailer.

Second Advantage is that SMTP’s are ineffectively designed and they don’t have security on them, though mailers are secured and most common issue is that they don’t convey sends after 5k or 10k spam, as they got security on them.

In conclusion I don’t say that all Mailers are not great choice but most of them are not good.

Golden traps for great spamming

1.Use IP SMTP, as said prior most of them are having tall limits.

Use Clean Self made trick pages, most of mail suppliers boycott source of trick pages utilize self made clean pages.
3.Don’t utilize genuine space whereas spamming, assume if you are spamming paypal, don’t utilize

Use no – as don’t have a place to paypal so mail suppliers channels will consider it as honest to goodness mail Spamming course

Spamming course

SPAM Package $450


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SPAM Package


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* 4 REAL Darkweb onions (Too many fakes, but you got a real one with me if you take this package)

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